Do you have a strong understanding of the importance of compliance and data protection in today’s work environment?
Do you enjoy taking initiative when it comes to strengthening the organisations compliance activities?
Are you highly independent and can easily work with many stakeholders?
Then you might be our new colleague.
The Role
We are looking for a Compliance Officer to support Gavdi’s compliance activities. You will report directly to Gavdi’s management and assist in providing compliance advise and execution and monitoring of Gavdi’s Compliance Program which includes awareness training, controls execution, risk assessments, and many other exiting activities.
You will in the role as Compliance Officer over time grow into the role as Data Protection Officer (DPO) and your main responsibility will be to ensure Gavdi is continuously compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISAE 3000/3402 and ISO 27001/2. The work of compliance is not static, and you will be an active part of ensuring compliance with other relevant laws and regulations, such as NIS2.
You will work with the entire organisation across Europe and in an international environment. It is therefore necessary that you are fluent in English, both verbally and in writing.
To be successful in this role, you need to have strong integrity, good judgement, and a natural ability to cooperate and structure your assignments. You have properly already led or been part of a team which has transformed an organizations behaviour by implementing GDPR & ISO training. Your theoretical and practical experience has shown that you are highly capable when it comes to interpreting GDPR and local data protection laws. You feel comfortable using different methods concerning transformation and implementation of GDPR & ISO. You use your analytical skills to create and manage the initiatives you are responsible for. It is of course a big advantage if you are familiar with an IT consultancy environment and know the nature of its data processing activities.
Your responsibilities
- Provide advice and instructions on how to conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and ISAE 3000/3402 audits as well as secure relevant certifications, such as ISO27001, ISAE3000 and ISAE3402.
- Improve the Compliance Annual Wheel, which consist of (as a minimum), Risk assessments, control execution, incident management, Compliance Awareness Training, internal audits.
- Quarterly reporting to top management.
- Monitor and quality ensure Gavdi’s policies, processes and procedures and compliance within the company
- Act as point of contact with customers, partners, supervisory authorities and internal teams
- Offer consultation on how to deal with incidents, such as privacy breaches
- Arrange and conduct training on GDPR and ISO 27001 compliance for employees
- Follow up with changes in law and issue recommendations to ensure compliance
Your skills
- Experience in data protection and legal compliance, GDPR and national data protection laws
- Understanding of and experience in process definitions and description of them
- Knowledge and insight in ISO 27001/2 and the use as a management tool
- Knowledge of data processing operations in the IT and consulting industry or similar is preferrable and with industry practices and professional standards
- Ethical with the ability to remain impartial and report all non-compliances professionally and with integrity
- Good communication and teamwork skills
- Fluent in English (proficient level 4) is a requirement and Knowledge of the Scandinavian languages is a plus.
- Minimum BSc/BA in law, business administration or a related field
- Professional certification (e.g. Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional (CCEP)) is a plus
Gavdi Group
Gavdi is an international consulting company with a proud Scandinavian heritage and an outstanding reputation for delivering award-winning Cloud Solutions focused on HR. Since we opened our first office in Copenhagen in 1999 we have been growing steadily and today we have offices in 8 countries.
What we offer
You will be working from our office Vibenshuset in Copenhagen. Vibenshuset is a modern office with a cantina, café and fitness centre. It´s located right across a Metro stop and several busses.
A compensation package reflecting your skills and experience.
A broad variety of local and international projects throughout Europe and Middle East.
You will get to be part of an organization with a flat hierarchy and an unformal tone where we cherish a flexible, friendly, and welcoming working environment.
If you need further information, please contact: CRO, Nicolai Holme, 51432775
Before you apply for the position, here are some tips for you. We really want to get to know you – hear what you’ve been working on and what are you particularly proud of. Therefore, we hope that you will share as much relevant information with us as possible. In addition to a CV with a short summary, it could be a video presentation, your LinkedIn profile or something completely different that you find relevant to the position itself. We do not need to receive a motivated application.
Your application must be addressed to with subject “Compliance Officer”.
Vi leder efter en talentfuld Associate Contract Manager til vores Bid and Contract Management team, som har lysten til at udvikle sig i et internationalt HR-IT konsulenthus.
Vi tilbyder dig et internationalt miljø med mange muligheder for at opnå en bred viden indenfor Bid and Contract Management. Du kommer til at være en del af vores Shared Service, der udover Bid and Contract Management består af Finance, HR, IT og Compliance, så du vil få nogle dygtige kolleger, som alle arbejder for, at vi kan imødekomme forretningens behov.
Dit primære ansvarsområde vil være at udarbejde materiale i forbindelse med kontrakter og udbudsmateriale herunder tilsikre kvalitetssikring af kontrakter og dokumenter. Dette gør du i samarbejde med resten af teamet, der for nuværende består af vores Chief Revenue Officer, en Bid and Contract Management Associate og en Studentermedhjælper. Vi sætter en ære i at tilsikre effektiv opgaveløsning og kvalitet igennem alle vores processer.
Du vil igennem rollen få en særlig indsigt i komplekse projekter ”indefra”, hvor du vil komme til at lære at balancere kommercielle, juridiske og tekniske interesser. Lære at arbejde professionelt med kontraktstyring, hvor du alene eller sammen med dine kollegaer sikrer en systematisk opfølgning på kontraktuelle ændringer, leverancer og forpligtelser samt udfører en professionel håndtering af bod/bonus, fakturaer, garanti og forsikring.
Du kommer til at arbejde fra vores kontor i København, der er placeret centralt i forhold til offentlige transport. Kontoret ligger i det moderne Vibenshus, hvor der er kantine, cafe og fitnessområde tilknyttet.
Du vil komme til at arbejde med driftsopgaver indenfor følgende områder:
- Tilsikre en professionel ensartethed og kvalitet gennem alle dokumenter og præsentationer under hele tilbudsprocessen fra den indledende kundepræsentation til den endelige afgivelse af tilbuddet.
- Udarbejdelse af kontrakter, der er præcise i henhold til kundens behov.
- Vedligeholdelse og optimering af kontraktstyringsprocesser til indsamling og lagring af information fra kontrakterne.
- I takt med din udvikling vil du kunne opnå at få kommercielt og omsætningsansvar for specifikke kunder.
Hvorfor du er den helt rette til stillingen:
- Din uddannelsesmæssige baggrund kan fx være Cand.Merc., Cand.Jur eller bacheloruddannelser indenfor samme område
- Er nyuddannet eller har et par års erfaring med kontraktstyring af større eller mindre kontakter – gerne fra et studiejob
- Det er en fordel, men ikke et krav, at du har erfaring med at arbejde i kontrakt- eller kravstyringssystemer
- Kan kommunikere professionelt på engelsk i både skrift og tale – både i forhold til vores leverandører men også i det interne arbejde, hvor flere af dine kollegaer vil være engelsktalende
- Er dygtig til kunne sætte dig ind i de tekniske områder og anvende din kontraktforståelse til at hjælpe med til at sikre de aftalte leverancer
- Du er detaljeorienteret i dit arbejde, og du formår igennem din struktur at holde fokus i pressede situationer med stramme deadlines.
Derudover, lægger vi vægt på, at du:
- har en positiv attitude og trives med at arbejde i et team
- er ansvarsfuld og lægger vægt på at nå dine mål
- kan arbejde selvstændigt
- kan arbejde med forskellige stakeholders internt såvel som eksternt
- har gode evner i Word, Excel og PowerPoint.
Din nye arbejdsplads
Gavdi Group er et solidt HR-IT konsulenthus med en stolt skandinavisk arv samt et fremragende ry for at levere prisbelønnede SAP, SuccessFactors, ServiceNow og Concur løsninger. Siden vi åbnede vores første kontor i København i 1999, er vi vokset til at have kontorer i 8 forskellige lande. Gavdis vækst er opbygget via en professionel tilgang, hvor vi ved hjælp af pålidelighed, tillid og partnerskab med vores kunder har leveret nogle fremragende resultater. I dag har vi en medarbejderstab på mere end 250 medarbejdere.
Før du søger stillingen, så har vi nogle gode råd til dig. Vi vil meget gerne lære dig bedre at kende og høre, hvad du har arbejdet med, og hvad du er ekstra stolt af at have opnået. Derfor håber vi, at du vil dele så meget relevant information om dig selv, som muligt. Dette kan gøres gennem dit CV, et resume, en video præsentation, din LinkedIn profil eller noget helt andet, som du finder relevant i forhold til stillingen. Vi behøver ikke at modtage en motiveret ansøgning.
Send din ansøgning til og skriv ” Associate Contract Manager – Bid and Contract Management” i emnefeltet – du kan også henvende dig til Chief Revenue Officer, Nicolai Holme på 51432775, hvis du har spørgsmål til stillingen.
Vi har ingen ansøgningsfrist, da vi gerne venter på den rette kandidat. Vi afholder dog løbende samtaler med egnede kandidater og lukker rekrutteringen, når vi har fundet den rigtige medarbejder. Så send din ansøgning hurtigst muligt.
Vi leder efter en talentfuld studentermedhjælper til vores Bid and Contract Management team, som har lysten til at udvikle sig i et internationalt HR-IT konsulenthus.
Vi tilbyder dig et internationalt miljø med mange muligheder for at opnå en bred viden indenfor Bid and Contract Management. Du kommer til at være en del af vores Shared Service, der udover Bid and Contract Management består af Finance, HR, IT og Compliance, så du vil få nogle dygtige kolleger, som alle arbejder for, at vi kan imødekomme forretningens behov.
Som en del af din rolle, vil du være ansvarlig for opfølgning af vores konsulenters tidsforbrug med henblik på at tilsikre overholdelse af kontraktuelle forpligtelser. Du vil samtidig skulle tage del i udarbejdelsen af kontrakter og udbudsmateriale herunder tilsikre kvalitet af slutproduktet. Dette gør du i samarbejde med resten af teamet, der for nuværende består af vores Chief Revenue Officer, en Associate Contract Manager og en Bid and Contract Management Associate. Vi sætter en ære i at tilsikre effektiv opgaveløsning og kvalitet igennem alle vores processer.
Du kommer til at arbejde fra vores kontor i København, der er placeret centralt i forhold til offentlig transport. Kontoret ligger i det moderne Vibenshus, hvor der er kantine, café og fitnessområde tilknyttet.
Du vil komme til at arbejde med driftsopgaver indenfor følgende områder:
- Løbende opfølgning med vores konsulenters tidsforbrug med henblik på at tilsikre overholdelse af kontraktuelle forpligtelser.
- Tilsikre ensartethed og kvalitet gennem alle dokumenter og præsentationer under hele tilbudsprocessen fra den indledende kundepræsentation til den endelige afgivelse af tilbuddet.
- Vedligeholdelse og optimering af kontraktstyringsprocesser til indsamling og lagring af information fra kontrakterne.
Hvorfor du er den helt rette til stillingen:
- Du er måske i gang med en Cand. Merc. en Cand. Jur. eller en bacheloruddannelse indenfor samme område
- Kan kommunikere professionelt på engelsk i både skrift og tale – både i forhold til vores leverandører men også i det interne arbejde, hvor flere af dine kollegaer vil være engelsktalende
- Er dygtig til kunne sætte dig ind forskelligartede områder og anvende din kontraktforståelse til at hjælpe med til at sikre de aftalte leverancer
- Du er detaljeorienteret i dit arbejde, og du formår igennem din struktur at holde fokus i pressede situationer med stramme deadlines.
Derudover, lægger vi vægt på, at du:
- Har en positiv attitude og trives med at arbejde i et team
- Er ansvarsfuld og lægger vægt på at nå dine mål
- Kan arbejde selvstændigt
- Kan arbejde med forskellige stakeholders internt såvel som eksternt
- Har gode evner i Word, PowerPoint og exceptionelle evner inden for Excel
Din nye arbejdsplads
Gavdi Group er et solidt konsulenthus med en stolt skandinavisk arv samt et fremragende ry for at levere prisbelønnede SAP, SuccessFactors, ServiceNow og Concur løsninger. Siden vi åbnede vores første kontor i København i 1999, er vi vokset til at have kontorer i 8 forskellige lande. Gavdis vækst er opbygget via en professionel tilgang, hvor vi ved hjælp af pålidelighed, tillid og partnerskab med vores kunder har leveret nogle fremragende resultater. I dag har vi en medarbejderstab på mere end 250 medarbejdere.
Før du søger stillingen, så har vi nogle gode råd til dig. Vi vil meget gerne lære dig bedre at kende og høre, hvad du har arbejdet med, og hvad du er ekstra stolt af at have opnået. Derfor håber vi, at du vil dele så meget relevant information om dig selv som muligt. Dette kan gøres gennem dit CV, et resume, en video-præsentation, din LinkedIn profil eller noget helt andet, som du finder relevant i forhold til stillingen. Vi behøver ikke at modtage en motiveret ansøgning.
Send din ansøgning til og skriv ”Studentermedhjælper – Bid and Contract Management” i emnefeltet. Du kan også henvende dig til Chief Revenue Officer, Nicolai Holme på 51432775, hvis du har spørgsmål til stillingen.
Vi har ingen ansøgningsfrist, da vi gerne venter på den rette kandidat. Vi afholder dog løbende samtaler med egnede kandidater og lukker rekrutteringen, når vi har fundet den rigtige medarbejder. Så send endelig din ansøgning hurtigst muligt.
Hvis du brænder for bogholderi og udvikle dig i et internationalt miljø, hvor tingene går stærkt, men hvor vi også husker at have det sjovt undervejs, så har vi måske stillingen til dig.
Stillingen hos os
Du er først og fremmest en selvstændig og ansvarsbevidst regnskabsmedarbejder der kan arbejdet selvstændigt med dine opgaver. Du har allerede opnået praktisk erfaring gennem dit arbejde som regnskabsmedarbejder i andre regnskabsfunktioner. En ting er dog sikkert – du har stor flair for IT, og du bruger helt naturligt Excel-baserede værktøjer i dine daglige opgaver.
Dine forcer er struktur og overholde dine deadlines. Dit overblik gør, at du proaktivt kan skabe værdi for dine kunder. Selvom du trives i den selvstændige rolle, er det naturligt for dig at være en del af et team. Du bidrager gerne med dialog og sparring, hvor dine omgivelser betragter dig som en imødekommende kollega.
Dit overblik og kundefokus gør, at du trives med at forstå de interne og eksterne kunders behov. Du arbejder effektivt og er ikke bange for at effektivisere en proces, hvis du kan se en optimeringsmulighed.
I dag består teamet, af 6 entusiastiske specialister. Tilsammen dækker vi alle regnskabsmæssige opgaver, som er relateret til vores medarbejdere i Gavdi Group, derudover er vi en del af Shared Service, som også består af vores HR med 3 medarbejdere og IT med 3 medarbejdere, Bid Management og Compliance med 5 medarbejdere. Vi leverer service til 15 selskaber i 8 forskellige lande, giver det os en god mulighed for at samarbejde med mennesker med forskellige nationaliteter, kulturer og baggrunde.
Teamet har en pragmatisk, fleksibel tilgang til opgaverne, og vi forstår, hvad der er nødvendigt for at skabe mest muligt værdi i vores daglige arbejde.
Vi arbejder som et team, og løsningen af afdelingens samlet opgaver, er vigtige for, at vi kan skabe værdi til Gavdi. Derfor vil du altid kunne regne med at få hjælp fra dit team eller din leder, hvis du har opgavemæssige udfordringer, ligesom vi forventer, at du træder til, hvis du kan se, at du kan hjælpe dine kollegaer.
Hvorfor du er den helt rette til stillingen
- Du har opnået en bred erfaring inden for hele kundefakturerings processen og de dertil tilhørende aktiviteter
- Du ved hvordan et IT-faktureringssystemer fungerer og bedst understøtter hele processen
- Du har en Merkonom, Kontoruddannelse med specialer, Økonomi eller har en anden regnskabsmæssig uddannelse
- Du har gode kommunikationsevner på dansk og engelsk.
Derudover, lægger vi vægt på, at
- Du er detaljeorienteret og følger de besluttede processer og procedure for at undgå fejl
- Din struktur gør at du kan holde fokus på opgaven
- Du overholder dine deadlines
- Du har en positiv attitude og trives med at arbejde i et team
- Du kan arbejde selvstændigt
- Du har lyst til at lære nyt
Vi tilbyder
- Du vil komme til at arbejde på vores kontor i Vibenshuset i København. Vibenshuset er et moderne kontor med kantine, café og fitness center, som ligger lige overfor Metroen samt flere busser
- En lønpakke matchende dine kvalifikationer og erfaring
- Du bliver en del af en organisation med et fladt hierarki og med en uformel tone og hvor vi værdsætter et fleksibelt samt et venligt og imødekommende arbejdsmiljø
Din nye arbejdsplads
Gavdi Group er et solidt konsulenthus med en stolt skandinavisk arv samt et fremragende ry for at levere prisbelønnede SAP, SuccessFactors, ServiceNow og Concur løsninger. Siden vi åbnede vores første kontor i København i 1999, er vi vokset til at have kontorer i 8 forskellige lande. Gavdis vækst er opbygget via en professionel tilgang, hvor vi ved hjælp af pålidelighed, tillid og partnerskab med vores kunder har leveret nogle fremragende resultater. I dag har vi en medarbejderstab på mere end 250 medarbejdere.
Før du søger stillingen, så har vi nogle gode råd til dig. Vi vil meget gerne lære dig bedre at kende og høre, hvad du har arbejdet med og hvad du er ekstra stolt af at have opnået. Derfor håber vi, at du vil dele så meget relevant information om dig selv, som muligt. Dette kan gøres gennem dit CV, et resume, en video præsentation, din LinkedIn profil eller noget helt andet, som du finder relevant i forhold til stillingen. Vi behøver ikke at modtage en motiveret ansøgning.
Send din ansøgning til og skriv ”Billing Specialist” i emnefeltet – du kan også henvende dig til Jeffrey Bruun, Group CFO +45 61121416.
Eftersom at finde den helt rette kandidat er det vigtigste for os, er rekrutteringen en løbende proces. Hvis du er interesseret i stillingen, så send endelig din ansøgning, da vi ønsker at besætte stillingen hurtigst muligt.
Måske behøver du ikke at frygte spørgsmålet så meget alligevel – for hvad nu, hvis du kunne sige:
”Jo, nu skal du høre. Jeg skal ind og arbejde hos Gavdi”!
”Ja, Gavdi”, svarer du – glad og forventningsfuld, ”Gavdi er et internationalt konsulenthus, der specialiserer sig i at levere HR IT-løsninger til et væld af kunder. De er i 11 lande, men mit kontor ligger lige ved Vibenshus runddel på Østerbro”.
”Nå, da, det lyder spændende, og hvad skal du lave der?”
”Jo, altså, jeg skal arbejde som Solution Advisor, hvilket vil sige, at jeg skal tilsikre et tæt samarbejde mellem SAP, vores salgsteam og vores konsulent-ben.
Mere konkret skal jeg sidde med det produkt, der hedder HXMNOW – et produkt udviklet i Gavdi – og mit primære ansvar bliver pre-sales for kunder i hele Norden, men også for kunder i Holland og Tyskland”.
Til sommer, kan det være dig, der fortæller ovenstående historie, og du kan tilføje følgende ansvarsområder til historien, for du bliver ansvarlig for end-to-end presales-aktiviteter som beskrevet nedenfor:
- Lave demoer i høj kvalitet
- Fungere som funktionel ekspert på vore HXM produktere
- Facilitere pre-sales workshops med historiefortælling og værdibaserede salgsforslag
- Aktivere kundernes HR-transformation med Gavdi’s produkter
Derudover ser vi gerne, at du er:
- Nyuddannet; enten på bachelor-eller kandidatniveau
- Har interesse i HR og teknologi
- Taler og skriver flydende Engelsk og kan begå dig på et eller flere skandinaviske sprog
- Har været aktiv i enten studenterorgansiationer eller haft arbejde ved siden af studiet
Før du søger stillingen, så har vi nogle gode råd til dig. Vi vil meget gerne lære dig bedre at kende og høre, hvad du har arbejdet med og hvad du er ekstra stolt af at have opnået. Derfor håber vi, at du vil dele så meget relevant information om dig selv, som muligt. Dette kan gøres gennem dit CV, et resume, en video præsentation, din LinkedIn profil eller noget helt andet, som du finder relevant i forhold til stillingen. Vi behøver ikke at modtage en motiveret ansøgning.
For mere information, kontakt gerne:
Nicolaj Janning på
Send din ansøgning til
Eftersom at finde den helt rette kandidat er det vigtigste for os, er rekrutteringen en løbende proces. Hvis du er interesseret i stillingen, så send endelig din ansøgning, da vi ønsker at besætte stillingen hurtigst muligt.
Within Gavdi you’ll have access to a bid management team who will assist you in creating exceptional proposals to win new business, with full support from sales and marketing management to help penetrate your market. Outside Gavdi you’ll be working closely with our customers and SAP, developing sales cases and opportunities. Additionally, you’ll be working with sales management to plan and forecast to ensure you meet your sales targets and highlight areas where additional support is needed. Both in the short term and long term. Finally, you’ll ensure that deadlines are met with a focus on quality and consistency.
We’re driven by our customers but also, in sales, by numbers, and we know that you are too, which means more specifically you’ll be a success in the role when you:
In 3 months
- Are able to do a competent presentation of Gavdi and our services and products
- Have made at least 10 presentations to customers
- Created at least 6 winning proposals
In 6 months
- Closed 3 deals and/or closed 300.000 EUR worth of revenue
- Established contact and met with the SAP sales organisation in your specific market unit and EMEA
- Created a pipeline of at least 10 qualified opportunities
In 12 months
- Closed deals with a value of 1 mil. EUR
- A sales pipeline of at least 5 mil. EUR
Why we’re a match!
You’re a highly ambitious person and you’re hungry for reaching high-reaching goals in a qualitative matter. You have an inquiring approach to your customers, which allows you to ask the right questions and provide the right solutions. You thrive in a “first-time-right” environment, and you take responsibility for your own part of the business.
You’re a self-starter with a willingness to work alone and collaboratively in a team environment – meaning that you can motivate yourself and work closely with a team of experts. You’re a natural networker and good at building relationships – internally and externally – which allows you to interact at senior levels within organisations.
At Gavdi people matter! Therefore, we’re not looking for a specific educational background – we’re looking for the person who’ll be the right match for this role and who can thrive in our organisation, but there are a few things that we prefer in our new colleague:
Minimum of 1+ years of sales experience, ideally in the workforce management sector or a few years’ experience in a customer facing role.
- Very good understanding of workforce management solutions and services is an advantage, but not a requirement
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with personal integrity and ethics
- Fluency in either German and English is essential
- Market knowledge and work experience in the German market
- Experience building a sales pipeline and positioning business to close
- Experience in presales or consultancy is an advantage, but not a requirement
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment at Gavdi without regard to race; creed; colour; religion; national origin; sex; age; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression. Gavdi is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
Your new workplace
Gavdi is an ambitious consultancy. We deliver HR IT consultant tasks within the areas of SAP (specifically SAP HCM, Payroll, SuccessFactors and Concur) and ServiceNow to companies all over the world. As Sales Manager in Gavdi Germany, you will be become part of a team, that strives to be the customers’ preferred vendor. The pace, at which we work, is fast and we are motivated by the development and learning, that we get when working with our customers in one Europe’s leading independent IT consultancies.
We believe in creating a positive working environment where the focus is on cooperation. We also believe in taking the time to enjoy both the working day while finding time to have fun with our colleagues. Our organizational structure is flat, so our “time-to-market” can be surprisingly fast.
Your working place will primarily be our offices in Hamburg, but you should expect travel days and the opportunity to also work from your home office.
Please send your application and your CV to with “Sales Manager Germany” in the title.
We will be hosting interviews on an ongoing basis and we’ll close the posting, when we’ve found the right candidate.
If you have any questions concerning this job posting, please feel free to contact us at
Within Gavdi you’ll have access to a bid management team who will assist you in creating exceptional proposals to win new business, with full support from sales and marketing management to help penetrate your market. Outside Gavdi you’ll be working closely with our customers and SAP, developing sales cases and opportunities. Additionally, you’ll be working with sales management to plan and forecast to ensure you meet your sales targets and highlight areas where additional support is needed. Both in the short term and long term. Finally, you’ll ensure that deadlines are met with a focus on quality and consistency.
We’re driven by our customers but also, in sales, by numbers, and we know that you are too, which means more specifically you’ll be a success in the role when you:
In 3 months
- Are able to do a competent presentation of Gavdi and our services and products
- Have made at least 10 presentations to customers
- Created at least 6 winning proposals
In 6 months
- Closed 3 deals and/or closed 300.000 EUR worth of revenue
- Established contact and met with the SAP sales organisation in your specific market unit and EMEA
- Created a pipeline of at least 10 qualified opportunities
In 12 months
- Closed deals with a value of 1 mil. EUR
- A sales pipeline of at least 5 mil. EUR
Why we’re a match!
You’re a highly ambitious person and you’re hungry for reaching high-reaching goals in a qualitative matter. You have an inquiring approach to your customers, which allows you to ask the right questions and provide the right solutions. You thrive in a “first-time-right” environment, and you take responsibility for your own part of the business.
You’re a self-starter with a willingness to work alone and collaboratively in a team environment – meaning that you can motivate yourself and work closely with a team of experts. You’re a natural networker and good at building relationships – internally and externally – which allows you to interact at senior levels within organisations.
At Gavdi people matter! Therefore, we’re not looking for a specific educational background – we’re looking for the person who’ll be the right match for this role and who can thrive in our organisation, but there are a few things that we prefer in our new colleague:
- Minimum of 1+ years of sales experience, ideally in the workforce management sector or a few years’ experience in a customer facing role
- Very good understanding of workforce management solutions and services is an advantage, but not a requirement.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with personal integrity and ethics
- Fluency in either Finnish and English is essential
- Market knowledge and work experience in the Nordics Markets
- Experience building a sales pipeline and positioning business to close
- Experience in presales or consultancy is an advantage, but not a requirement
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment at Gavdi without regard to race; creed; colour; religion; national origin; sex; age; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression. Gavdi is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
Your new workplace
Gavdi is an ambitious consultancy. We deliver HR IT consultant tasks within the areas of SAP (specifically SAP HCM, Payroll, SuccessFactors and Concur) and ServiceNow to companies all over the world. As Sales Manager in Gavdi Finland, you will be become part of a team, that strives to be the customers’ preferred vendor. The pace, at which we work, is fast and we are motivated by the development and learning, that we get when working with our customers in one Europe’s leading independent IT consultancies.
We believe in creating a positive working environment where the focus is on cooperation. We also believe in taking the time to enjoy both the working day while finding time to have fun with our colleagues. Our organizational structure is flat, so our “time-to-market” can be surprisingly fast.
Your working place will primarily be our offices in Espoo, but you should expect travel days and the opportunity to also work from your home office.
Please send your application and your CV to with “Sales Manager Finland” in the title.
We will be hosting interviews on an ongoing basis and we’ll close the posting, when we’ve found the right candidate.
If you have any questions concerning this job posting, please feel free to contact us at
Within Gavdi you’ll have access to a bid management team who will assist you in creating exceptional proposals to win new business, with full support from sales and marketing management to help penetrate your market. Outside Gavdi you’ll be working closely with our customers and SAP, developing sales cases and opportunities. Additionally, you’ll be working with sales management to plan and forecast to ensure you meet your sales targets and highlight areas where additional support is needed. Both in the short term and long term. Finally, you’ll ensure that deadlines are met with a focus on quality and consistency.
We’re driven by our customers but also, in sales, by numbers, and we know that you are too, which means more specifically you’ll be a success in the role when you:
- Are able to do a competent presentation of Gavdi and our services and products
- Have made at least 10 presentations to customers
- Created at least 6 winning proposals
In 6 months:
- Closed 3 deals and/or closed 300.000 EUR worth of revenue
- Established contact and met with the SAP sales organisation in your specific market unit and EMEA
- Created a pipeline of at least 10 qualified opportunities
In 12 months:
- Closed deals with a value of 1 mil. EUR
- A sales pipeline of at least 5 mil. EUR
Why we’re a match!
You’re a highly ambitious person and you’re hungry for reaching high-reaching goals in a qualitative matter. You have an inquiring approach to your customers, which allows you to ask the right questions and provide the right solutions. You thrive in a “first-time-right” environment, and you take responsibility for your own part of the business.
You’re a self-starter with a willingness to work alone and collaboratively in a team environment – meaning that you can motivate yourself and work closely with a team of experts. You’re a natural networker and good at building relationships – internally and externally – which allows you to interact at senior levels within organisations.
At Gavdi people matter! Therefore, we’re not looking for a specific educational background – we’re looking for the person who’ll be the right match for this role and who can thrive in our organisation, but there are a few things that we prefer in our new colleague:
Minimum of 1+ years of sales experience, ideally in the workforce management sector or a few years’ experience in a customer facing role.
- Very good understanding of workforce management solutions and services is an advantage, but not a requirement.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with personal integrity and ethics.
- Fluency in English
- Market knowledge and work experience in one of our unit markets
- Experience building a sales pipeline and positioning business to close
- Experience in presales or consultancy is an advantage, but not a requirement
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment at Gavdi without regard to race; creed; colour; religion; national origin; sex; age; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression. Gavdi is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
Your new workplace
Gavdi is an ambitious consultancy. We deliver HR IT consultant tasks within the areas of SAP (specifically SAP HCM, Payroll, SuccessFactors and Concur) and ServiceNow to companies all over the world. As Sales Manager for HXMNOW, you will be become part of a team, that strives to be the customers’ preferred vendor. The pace, at which we work, is fast and we are motivated by the development and learning, that we get when working with our customers in one Europe’s leading independent IT consultancies.
We believe in creating a positive working environment where the focus is on cooperation. We also believe in taking the time to enjoy both the working day while finding time to have fun with our colleagues. Our organizational structure is flat, so our “time-to-market” can be surprisingly fast.
Your working place will primarily be remote but you should expect travel days.
Please send your application and your CV to with “Sales Manager HXMNOW” in the title.
We will be hosting interviews on an ongoing basis, and we’ll close the posting, when we’ve found the right candidate.
If you have any questions concerning this job posting, please feel free to contact us at
Working at Gavdi
- Gavdi as workplace
- What we offer
- Career and development
- Recruiting Process
- Job opportunities
- Unsolicited applications
Gavdi as workplace
It is no secret that Gavdi is a demanding consultancy. We set high standards for our employees, and so do our customers.
We have an informal tone, but also focus on having the highest academic level. The people at Gavdi must appreciate working in a flat organization where the distance between the employee and the manager is short, and where decisions are quickly made.
We expect that our people can work and deliver individually and in teams. And our people must be able to deliver under pressure and accept that the tone in hectic situations can be tough as well as loving, but always spiced with humor.
You will appreciate working in an organization where we expect balanced people who function both professionally and socially. At the same time we respect that you have a family and a family life.
What we offer
We offer a friendly and informal work environment in one of Europe’s fastest growing consultancies. You will get access to the most exciting projects and the best and most experienced consultants will be your colleagues and sparring partners.
At Gavdi we have a very low people turnover. We ascribe our high people satisfaction our three core values: freedom with responsibility, professionalism and job satisfaction.
Freedom with responsibility because Gavdi is characterized by a frank and informal leadership with room for independent efforts and employee initiatives.
Professionalism, because there is a focus on the individual’s professional and academic development, and because we work together in academically focused teams and departments but also across the organization, so we are constantly inspired and we learn from each other.
Job satisfaction is closely linked with exciting projects and good colleagues, but also with good perks and a healthy balance between work life and family life. In addition, we offer flexitime and a range of attractive benefits such as discounts, social activities and “work@home” facilities.
Furthermore, you are offered an attractive salary that reflects your qualifications.
Career and development
At Gavdi we set high standards for ourselves. We always strive to renew ourselves and become even better.
The long-term success for Gavdi depends on our ability to attract, retain and develop our people. Therefore, it is Gavdi’s ambition to recruit people with a personal and professional skills that enable them to develop a long term relationship with the company. The potential for professional development and career is therefore critical in connection with the recruitment process.
For that reason Gavdi works strategically and systematically with competence development at both individual and organizational level to prepare all employees for current assignments and challenges ahead.
We invest in ongoing development of competencies to meet our goals and our people have the opportunity to continually develope and retrain by attending internal and external courses, conferences, etc. In addition, an annual development review (MUS), is a natural part of an employment contract with Gavdi.
Recruiting Process
If you would like to work for Gavdi, please have a look under job opportunities where current vacancies are advertised. There is also the option of sending an unsolicited application, as we are always looking for qualified consultants.
We strive for an efficient and simple recruitment process with focus on ensuring that we hire the right candidates.
Applications received are evaluated and the selected candidates are invited for an interview as soon as possible.
Interviews with Gavdi are quite informal. Generally for all interviews is that you usually meet with the HR responsible, together with the supervisor. The interview will generally focus on your background and motivation and how you match the Gavdi culture and values, and not least to ensure that you possess the right qualifications.
If both parties choose to proceed, we meet for a second interview with the consultant manager and the area director. The interview is partly intended to confirm the observations that were made during the first interview and to clarify the terms and conditions of employment.
If both parties are still interested, you will subsequently be offered employment. If there are points in the contract requiring a further dialogue, this will either be done by phone or email, alternatively at another meeting.
Job opportunities
If there are currently no vacancies that match your competences, we would still like to hear from you. As a starting point we do expect that you as a minimum have experience working as a consultant within our primary areas of expertise.
If you want to have an informal chat about your potential career opportunities with us, please feel free to contact us at
Unsolicited applications
Thank you for the interest you have shown Gavdi.
We are always in search of bright and talented colleagues Please don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear from us straight away. We are a busy bunch and run through candidates when relevant openings occur.
If you have sent an unsolicited application to, we will contact you if your profile matches a position at Gavdi. Please type “unsolicited application” in the subject field.
For your information, vacant positions will be announced via Careers | Gavdi Group.
Unsolicited applications will be deleted at the latest 6 months after Gavdi has received them unless a written content for an extended retention period has been signed.
At Gavdi, we wish to create and nurture a diverse & innovative environment with equal opportunities for all our employees. We therefore welcome all applicants regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, or age.
At Gavdi homepage you will find Gavdi’s privacy policy that explains in detail how we deal with your personal data.